2 years ago
@Zdiddy hey, fucktard, who ever mentioned cocks? Besides you, that is. Maybe you're the homo. And there's already lots of women with big NATURAL titties. Don't ruin natural with plastic.
2 years ago
@Zdiddy hey, fucktard, who ever mentioned cocks? Besides you, that is. Maybe you're the homo. And there's already lots of women with big NATURAL titties. Don't ruin natural with plastic.
2 years ago
Buncha homos, big titties= Good...... Theres a lot of videos of dudes with giant cocks and no tits you can watch. Have fun at next years parade!!!
3 years ago
So who do we have to castrate for making gorgeous women get fake tits? Women like Kenna James, Megan Rain, and so many others were abso-fucking-lutely gorgeous when they had small tits. Then they went and ruined it with silicone.
3 years ago
I agree with jkaskade, Kenna getting her lovely young breasts cut and enlarged is a damn shame. She was such a good looking woman before she got these plastic FAKE breasts. She was so hot BEFORE and she didn't need to get them done at all. What a pity!!
3 years ago
why she have to get fake tits?