Blair Summers - You are having a great time making hairy creampies
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9 years ago
44 717
37min 34sec
You spend a good chunk of the day at the Natural History Museum seeing all kinds of cool things with Blair. On the way out you visit Buckingham Palace and Big Ben - they are spectacular! Blair LOVED watching War Horse with you last night. You're off to Oxford on a long train ride. There's so much history and amazing architecture there ! Back at your room Blair pulls down her creamy panties to pee. Since there were people everywhere while you were out, Blair wasn't able to touch you. Now that you're alone, she pulls off your pants to give you a blowjob. She blows the e-cigarette vapors on your cock. Blair oils up her feet to give you a footjob before you start fucking her doggy style. You love hearing Blair, with her sexy voice, asking for a creampie. You do a little walking around the city because Blair wants to get a sweater that she saw on sale - too bad the store was closed when you got there. You continue to explore the city and end up taking the tube a few times until you get it right. The show, Matilda, was amazing. The following morning Blair wants to have a little fun before you head out to do all of your activities. Her feet look so tasty when she's sucking your cock. Those reading glasses she's wearing look adorable, and you think they might come in handy later. Her full tits get oiled up to give you a tit job - you can't believe how big they look! Fucking Blair was fun, and now her perfect feet massage your cock. You're ready to explode, and after Blair puts in the request, you shoot a huge load of cum on her face and in her mouth.
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